Monday, November 11, 2013

Keep the Profit, We Want the Souls - Church in the Workplace

I recommend this story of improved workplace performance, healings and salvations:  Communion in my Cubicle.

Josh Reeves posted 30 Simple Ways to be Missional in Your Workplace.

The Lausanne Committee was formed to strategize on the gospel worldwide.  Their article Mission in the Workplace suggests Christians going on mission into business establishments.

We could invite our co-workers this week to share in communion with us.  Jesus commanded Christians to do this in remembrance of Him.  Someone might ask, "I thought we should only do communion at church?"  Jesus answered, "where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I Am in the midst of them" (Matt. 18:20).  Are we not free to follow Jesus everywhere we are?  Praise God we are!

What a strange idea - mixing discipleship, corporation profit, and paychecks.  Is this good?

Janet and I have been lifting up the name of Jesus.  She encourages me to put into prayer what deserves to be.  I visited Rite Aid Pharmacy in downtown Salem.  God gave me favor in spite of me!  (Later that day I danced around the kitchen at home.)  Their Wellness Ambassador was on duty.  Her job is to help her store serve the community.  She shared ideas on how Rite Aid could make Salem better.  I asked how Salem First Baptist could help her as neighbors.  Admittedly, I have little idea what direction this will take, but I have some operating principles which govern how I engage:

1.  I give my time and energy to Persons of Peace.

2.  I serve others by helping to achieve their dreams as all people are made in the image of God and have God's eternal plans written in their hearts, even though the human heart is broken and marred by sin.  God's Kingdom is characterized by justice and wellness, servanthood and righteousness.  Jesus Christ gave us the keys.  As we trust God, people will be blessed.

3.  I'm praying for shoulder-to-shoulder time with Rite Aid employees and Salem First Baptist, to leave behind a fruit-bearing witness of Jesus in their workplace.  If God grants the favor, I hope that there will be either new Christ-followers or nominal Christians who take possession of their inheritance, or both.

What if ministering with a business generates sales?  Isaac dug wells which ended up being run by outsiders (Gen. 26:14-33).  No matter what worldly thing I might discover of motive and means for profit, there isn't anything that God's Kingdom could not speak to and transform.  We begin by creating a witness of the church, first.

Jesus, please watch over my heart, teach me that I am not too busy, make me like the good Samaritan.  Send people of peace to us out of these downtown places.  Give us access to pockets of people wherever they are, and teach us to join in the Kingdom work You are already doing in these places.  Father thank you for your grace!  Cover Rite Aid in your Holy Spirit; may your people glorify You.

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