Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Challenges in obedience to Him

I have been really challenged in the last few seems that The Lord is continually speaking the same thing through people I meet, magazines articles and even a book I am reading that means I need to stop and listen to what He is saying.

It started yesterday when we were downtown and talking about providing a meal for street people for Thanksgiving. One of the homeless guys who has become a part of our group wanted to help provide some things for the meal...and it so touched my heart that out of his little he wanted to share what he could.

Then today's reading through some articles from my Christian magazine was all about giving to those in need, and starting to be obedient to what God is asking you to do in a small way. A couple of examples:
A worldwide feeding program for children was started by the couple feeding neighborhood children at their own table.
A Pastor and his wife in South Korea crushed by throw away babies that were physically or mentally disabled started by building a drop box outside their house with a sign saying "place to leave babies" and is now caring for 30 babies in their home. How challenging are those examples of obedience in the small nudges from God.

The book I have been reading which was a novel, had the last chapter explaining that only in obedience and surrender to the small still voice of God can we change the world.

I want to change the world! Gods gift to me is ability, and my gift to God is availability. Sometimes I fail to see that my daily life is filled with opportunities for taking risks...stepping out and trusting that God can meet the needs of the people through me. I succeed because I have obeyed. That's all I have to do, hear, obey that small voice, that tiny nudge of His Spirit and the healing and all the other stuff is Gods part to do.

Let our prayer be that we will be bold to risk all for the One who gave everything for us.

Romans 6:13 says, " Throw yourselves wholeheartedly and full time - remember, you've been raised from the dead! - into Gods way of doing things. Sin can't tell you how to live. After all, you're not living under that old tyranny any longer. You're living in the freedom of God" (Message Bible)

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